Settler colonialism, Red Power, and Revolutionary Politics

May 1, 2012 Events

An evening with Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Wednesday, May 9th at 6.30 pm.
OISE 5250 (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto)

In the imperialist countries of the United States of America and Canada, the Native peoples’ struggle for self-determination and liberation is essential to any revolutionary strategy against capitalism. Built on the plunder and theft of aboriginal land, and the brutal oppression of the First Nations peoples, settler-colonial governments today continue their long tradition of genocidal policies for the benefit of parasitical national and multinational corporations. Native reservations are the colonies of these states, where indigenous people are forced to live in intolerable conditions under heavy state repression while their land and resources are violently appropriated for imperialist profits.

Yet 500 years of colonization also produced 500 years of indigenous resistance to colonial oppression and genocide. Spectacular and inspiring examples of indigenous armed resistance and militancy in the contemporary era include the 1973 re-seizure of land in the town of Wounded Knee, by the Oglala Lakota, as well as in the town of Oka in 1990, where the Mohawk people in Kahnesetake valiantly confronted the violence of the Canadian state in defending the integrity of their territories, to mention only a couple. Land tenure is at the heart of Native resistance and sovereignty.

Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee, and its student division, Revolutionary Students Movement, is very honoured to present revolutionary militant and comrade, Dr. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. A longtime activist in the American Indian Movement and the International Indigenous Movement, Dunbar-Ortiz will speak on the rise of the Red Power Movement, which rapidly developed in the wake of Third World national liberation struggles after World War II, and the significant influence of Marxism-Leninism, as well as Maoism, on the national question. From her theoretical and political work, we hope to glean important lessons from Dunbar-Ortiz’ personal experiences of revolutionary struggles while discussing the strategic importance of building a united front in advancing the proletarian class-struggle, for overthrowing the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, and for the abolition of capitalism.

Suggested Donation: Pay What You Can

Organized by: Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee (Toronto), Revolutionary Students Movement (Toronto)

Endorsed by: International League of People’s Struggle (Canada), BASICS

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